Friday, January 27, 2012

Let Less Fortunate Kids Learn Arts & Crafts

By merely buying affordable art mirrors from 10a Alabama Resurrection Furniture and Found Objects Gallery at New Manila, you will be able to fund a series of Arts & Crafts workshops intended for less fortunate children.

Mine is the dark one with carvings as crown
Mirrors are P2,500 each

All proceeds will go to the cause. These mirrors were designed by 10a Alabama folks including Veronica Laurel and others. There are a lot of kids out there who are excited about learning handmade arts & crafts but aren't able to since they lack the resources. Luckily buying these mirrors won't only get you a uniquely handmade mirror worth hanging along your hallway, bedroom, bathroom or living room, you also get to send an eager child to an unforgettable experience of arts & crafts workshop.

Visit the Resurrection Furniture and Found Objects gallery now at 10a Alabama st. New Manila Quezon City.

Say hello to snooty Chaplin, the resident cat, when you drop by


  1. You did not post the price range of the items. While price matters to determine affordability, the intended charity fund for the less fortunate kids must weigh in the decision of would-be buyers.

    1. The Price tag is posted in the Photo :)

    2. I agree on you Ed. This is just great. The proceeds will go to less fortunate kids, very heart warming cause.

  2. not mentioning the price might mean that you need to go to that place yourself. it's one of the marketing strategies, not saying everything and keeping a little mystery...mmmh

    1. No, I just want to know if people do read the post or just comment hastily. The price is right there :))

  3. Teaching kids handycrafts is great because they can make it into a small business someday.

  4. Way to go!! Ika nga ... Teach a person to fish and feed them for a lifetime :)

  5. galing! I like this one. They'll be able to earn and learn.. :D

  6. kinda bit pricey mirror,

    1. Well actually it’s not pricey at all. You can search the whole world and will not find any mirror similar to these mirrors, you would also spend more than the price indicated searching the whole world to no avail. The materials used, the effort and time invested here are all for a single cause of letting a child learn something that not would only help the child discover his or her talents but just seeing a child smile doing something other than play video-games is PRICELESS. :) A child's happiness can never be matched by all the gold in the world.

  7. oh this reminds me of the handicapped painters here in Israel. The paint with their mouth and feet and the paintings are beautiful. I love stories about advocacy and all.

  8. Ayy gusto ko to. It's good to know na there are many people who are willing to help the less fortunate ones..

  9. This is a good project for the less-fortunate kids. An exchange deal for that matter, you purchase an item like the mirror in return you're helping these LFK.

  10. Brilliant idea to do this and the purpose is so noble that people should entertain no doubt to support and spend money for the charity.

    Keep up and continue doing what is close to your heart.

  11. this is such a worthy cause, i hope a lot of people will support it,anyway those children also deserve to learn about arts + crafts. it is a good way of discovering + nurturing their creativity. i only wish i can afford to buy one, too.
